Friday 20 February 2015

Why My Aide Tore His PPD Membership Card— Gov Dankwambo

Do you still remember the news of a former PDP member who decided to go the Obansajo way by tearing up his membership card? If Yes! Then there’s an update concerning that story but if no! Then you’re about to discover something new.

Reports just reaching us indicate that reason behind the former PDP member, Alhaji Abdullahi Babangida Muhammad decision to tear up his PDP membership card has just been revealed by his own boss, Governor Ibrahim Dankwambo of Gombe state.

Alhaji Muhammad is the senior special assistant on security to Governor Dankwambo.

According to Governor Dankwambo, the reason his aide, Abdullahi Mohammed, tore his Peoples Democratic Party membership card was because he turned down Mr. Mohammed’s request of N150 million.

Alhaji Mohammed on Tuesday publicly tore his membership card in the state capital, Gombe, citing dissatisfaction with the manner the country was being run as his reason as the reason for his act.

EX-PDP member, Alhaji Abdullahi Babangida Muhammad

Governor Ibrahim Dankwambo of Gombe state

His action came just days after former President Olusegun Obasanjo had publicly destroyed his own PDP membership card, over his row with the party.

However, speaking through his media aide, Junaidu Abubakar, on Friday, Alhaji Dankwambo said Mr. Mohammed had approached him with an “outrageous request of N150m to solve a mortgage problem which was not granted”.

Mr. Abubakar said the governor had come to the rescue of Mr. Mohammed on several occasions, but that the request for N150 million would simply not be granted because the governor explained that N150 million can do a lot to the lives of the three million people in the state.

He said it would be wrong to give just one person N150 million in a state grappling with challenges.

“It is simply a case of lack of conscience on the former security assistant because he had earlier left the administration to run for a seat in the state assembly, after he lost he came back and the governor magnanimously re-appointed him,” Mr. Abubakar said.

“Governor Dankwambo respects the fact that individuals have a right to associate with anyone, especially in a democracy, but that does not give one the right to lie over it and malign others,” he said.

However, when contacted by Premium Times, Alhaji Muhammad denied that he requested for any money from the governor.

“It is not possible for an individual to make such an outrageous demand on a governor,” he said.

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