Friday 20 February 2015

Why My Aide Tore His PPD Membership Card— Gov Dankwambo

Do you still remember the news of a former PDP member who decided to go the Obansajo way by tearing up his membership card? If Yes! Then there’s an update concerning that story but if no! Then you’re about to discover something new.

Reports just reaching us indicate that reason behind the former PDP member, Alhaji Abdullahi Babangida Muhammad decision to tear up his PDP membership card has just been revealed by his own boss, Governor Ibrahim Dankwambo of Gombe state.

Alhaji Muhammad is the senior special assistant on security to Governor Dankwambo.

According to Governor Dankwambo, the reason his aide, Abdullahi Mohammed, tore his Peoples Democratic Party membership card was because he turned down Mr. Mohammed’s request of N150 million.

Alhaji Mohammed on Tuesday publicly tore his membership card in the state capital, Gombe, citing dissatisfaction with the manner the country was being run as his reason as the reason for his act.

EX-PDP member, Alhaji Abdullahi Babangida Muhammad

Governor Ibrahim Dankwambo of Gombe state

His action came just days after former President Olusegun Obasanjo had publicly destroyed his own PDP membership card, over his row with the party.

However, speaking through his media aide, Junaidu Abubakar, on Friday, Alhaji Dankwambo said Mr. Mohammed had approached him with an “outrageous request of N150m to solve a mortgage problem which was not granted”.

Mr. Abubakar said the governor had come to the rescue of Mr. Mohammed on several occasions, but that the request for N150 million would simply not be granted because the governor explained that N150 million can do a lot to the lives of the three million people in the state.

He said it would be wrong to give just one person N150 million in a state grappling with challenges.

“It is simply a case of lack of conscience on the former security assistant because he had earlier left the administration to run for a seat in the state assembly, after he lost he came back and the governor magnanimously re-appointed him,” Mr. Abubakar said.

“Governor Dankwambo respects the fact that individuals have a right to associate with anyone, especially in a democracy, but that does not give one the right to lie over it and malign others,” he said.

However, when contacted by Premium Times, Alhaji Muhammad denied that he requested for any money from the governor.

“It is not possible for an individual to make such an outrageous demand on a governor,” he said.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Reno Omokri reacts to reports President Jonathan replaced him with Obi Asika

 Reno Omokri has reacted to the report by Sahara Reporters that he has been replaced by Obi Asika .The Special Assistant to President Jonathan on New Media took to twitter to quote a bible verse following mockery by some followers..

I presume he means the stories are a fiction of people's imagination..
If you missed the report, read below

Pesident Goodluck Jonathan has retooled his social media team, sidelining his increasingly controversial point man, Reno Omokri by appointing Obi Asika as the new senior special assistant on social media. Mr. Jonathan move is seen as an apparent maneuver to re-energize his social media image following a growing slide in his electoral fortunes as well as a series of scandals involving Mr. Omokri, who until now shaped and ran the incumbent president’s campaign on social media.
A source at the Presidency told SaharaReporters that Mr. Omokri, who returned from California to boost President Jonathan’s political campaigns in 2011, had become a huge liability and source of distraction. Mr. Omokri, who also doubles as a pastor, came to be known as “Wendell Simlin" after tech-savvy Nigerian social media activists caught him red-handed as he circulated reports on the Internet that claimed to have found a link between former Central Bank Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, and Islamist terror group Boko Haram. Enterprising social media sleuths discovered that the so-called reports implicating Mr. Sanusi as a sponsor of Boko Haram were first created on and disseminated from Mr. Omokri's personal computer in Abuja.
A few weeks ago, a California-based woman, Deborah Campbell, who was once married to a relative of Mr. Omokri’s, told SaharaReporters that the presidential aide had stolen her son's identity to engage in the circulation of fraudulent news that smeared Mr. Sanusi, who is now the Emir of Kano. Mr. Reno never denied the woman’s allegations.

Last week, Mr. Omokri was accused of leading policemen to burglarize a house in Warri, Delta State that belonged to his late mother. The occupants of the house, including Alex Oyoro, a well known PDP political figure in Delta State, alleged that Mr. Omokri had led a group of thugs and mobile police officers who broke into the property and stole N25 million in cash. The money, according to Mr. Oyoro, was meant for Mr. Jonathan’s re-election campaign.

Mr. Omokri denied being physically present at the scene of the burglary, claiming he was at his desk in Abuja and also doing some pastoral work at the time of the reported burglary.
A source at the Presidency told SaharaReporters that, in an attempt to present a more humane outlook as his electoral fortunes slip and his popularity plummets at home and abroad, Mr. Jonathan decided to push Mr. Omokri aside. Mr. Obi Asika, who has been elevated to serve as the new presidential strategist on social media, was described as one of the co-organizers of “Social Media Week” in Lagos. “Obi Asika is a serious personality who is also refined and self-controlled,” a source at the Presidency said.

Apart from his dubious activities and cantankerous personality, Mr. Omokri has committed a series of blunders in recent months that cast Mr. Jonathan’s campaign in bad light. He organized two online polls that eventually showed that President Jonathan would lose the 2015 elections to the opposition APC presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari, by a wide margin. Several sources at the Presidency said Mr. Omokri’s cup became full after he engineered a poll on Twitter where informal posts showed that Mr. Jonathan’s electoral prospects had become wretched. “That ill-advised Twitter poll backfired and caused embarrassment to Mr. President,” said a source close to the Jonathan campaign.
In a short email obtained by SaharaReporters earlier today, presidential spokesman Reuben Abati confirmed Mr. Asika's appointment to take charge of the president’s social media coverage. A source in the Presidency disclosed that Mr. Omokri was now in a subordinate position to Mr. Asika in the hierarchy of aides working on the president’s social media image. 

“If Reno decides to remain here, he will have to be reporting to Obi Asika,” a source at the Presidency revealed.

No Interim Government In Nigeria - Senate President

Senate President, David Mark, February 17 dismissed allegations about the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) plotting to form the interim government.

David Mark
Some senior officials fear that after the elections postponement, the ruling party’s plan is to us the National Assembly to extend President Goodluck Jonathan’s tenure through an Interim National Government (ING).

Presidency denied the allegations saying that the Nigerian Constitution does not have a provision for the interim government.

According to Punch, Mark once again touched upon the issue during his welcome speech to senators who resumed their work Tuesday.

The Senate head insisted that the ING was alien to the applicable Constitution and therefore could not be formed under the current democratic arrangement.

Mark urged politicians to stop making dangerous claims.

“These are not ordinary times in our nation. There is palpable tension in the land and the comments and even the body language of the political class further exacerbates the tension.

“As statesmen and women, we must rise to the occasion and help reduce tension. We must refrain from acts or statements that will aggravate this already charged atmosphere across the country.

“This is time for us to be true statesmen and women; both in words and deeds. I am alarmed that the issue of the Interim National Government has been given undeserved prominence in our national discourse.

“This is imprecise, sordid and strange. Interim National Government is alien to the 1999 Constitution (as amended). Therefore, those calling for ING are pushing for an exercise in futility. “

Mark also appealed to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) urging the body to fully prepare for conduction of free, fair and credible polls.

It should be noted that the country’s former President Olusegun Obasanjo was also among those who referred to the Constitution saying there is no such a thing as the ING in Nigeria. He spoke with BBC on the matter days before dumping the PDP and tearing into pieces the party’s membership card.

Sunday 15 February 2015

9 Bayelsa women burnt to death in car accident

About 20 women from Bayelsa State were on Friday Feb. 13th burnt to death in multiple vehicle accident after visiting the first lady Dame Patience Jonathan.

According to the The Nation, the accident occurred at Ahoada, in Rivers State and involved a Toyota Sienna car, an SUV and a bus with the inscription, Peoples Democratic Party Women Initiative.
A security source put the number of burnt victims at 20 adding that all the occupants of the bus perished.
The source who spoke in confidence said: “The affected women were traveling in the bus which went up in flames. They were burnt to ashes. Only one of the women was rescued.”
It was learnt that the women paid a solidarity visit to the first lady in Okirika where they spent two days.
The Bayelsa State Sector Commander, Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), Mr. Vincent Jack confirmed the accident.
He, however, said only nine persons burnt to death, two died without being burnt while many others were rushed to Madonna clinic in the area.
He explained that the accident occurred when the tyre of the Toyota Sienna burst and rammed into the bus carrying the women.
He said the SUV also rammed into the bus in confusion, a situation that made the bus to go up in flames.
Source: The Nation

Saturday 14 February 2015

GEJ Confused Over 4 Govs’s Secret Alliance With APC

Just when the storm accompanying the postponement of the elections is abating, the presidency is in a new fix!
Vanguard reports that the presidency is in a fix  concerning four of its governors who are working secretly for the opposition party. This came to the notice of the president when some of the activities of these four governors were reviewed and checked.

It was made known that even the campaign strategies of these four governors in their states are all geared towards bringing the opposition party to power, which clearly indicates that the Peoples Democratic party will lose in the four states come March and April.

According to an authoritative source, both President Jonathan and the PDP are angry about this new development, which they are calling an act of betrayal.The party does not, however, know how to deal with the four governors for hiding under the umbrella of the PDP to work for the main opposition party, All Progressives Congress. The constitution does not allow them to be dealt with since they are still in the party.

The source made it known that these governors are from the north west and north east of the country. One governor annoyed President Jonathan because not only did he give N25 million in support of the opposition candidate campaign, but he also directed his officials to give maximum logistical support to the Buhari campaign team during their campaign in the state on February 3 this year. The same governor was said to have displayed a ‘lukewarm disposition’ to Jonathan’s campaign team by not helping with enough rally support when the president came to his state. The governor also came late to the rally venue during the presidential rally in his state on January 31.

The governor is reported to have delayed the inauguration of the presidential campaign team in the state until the eve of the presidential visit, thereby adversely affecting the success of the rally.

As a result of the sympathy of a north east governor for the APC, he is said to have displayed a lackadaisical attitude towards the visit of Jonathan to his state last month.

The president was said to have been surprised by the near empty stadium upon his arrival for the campaign in the state.

However, Vanguard learnt that none of the governors had shown remorse over their ‘betrayal’ by not speaking out against some of the wrongs openly committed by their agents against the presidential campaign teams in their respective states.

This has aggravated the presidency’s disappointment in these four governors.

It will be recalled that just yesterday, the national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu, said the use of the Electronic Management Tool to be used for the 2015 elections is a good idea but it must be properly tested before use.

Nollywood Actor Intentionally Infects Wife With HIV

Popular Nollywood actor Hanks Anuku, who is known for playing criminal roles in Nigerian movies, has revealed he tested positive for HIV.
Hanks Anuku
The Nollywood actor also revealed how he deliberately infected his wife with the deadly disease. Pulse reports that the actor, now a born-again Christian, who is based in Ghana, talked in an interview about how he went to Zambia for six months in April 2011 without his wife and two kids, to take part in plays teaching about HIV and AIDS. While there he enjoyed life, sleeping with about 80 women.

Life in Zambia was heaven on earth because we could enjoy life, moving in all places but I was missing my family. During that time I had quite a number of sexual activities and I slept with different women. When I came back home I never took care of the family. 

I started drinking life a fish and became an irresponsible husband leaving the entire burden to my wife,” he said.

The veteran actor also revealed that while knowing he could well be HIV positive, he infected his wife .

“I got tested while I was in Zambia after one of my girlfriends advised me about her pregnancy. She had gone for pregnancy tests and during that time she was tested for HIV and the results was shocking, she was positive. She forced me to get tested but I could not come to terms with the results. After I got tested I came back to Zimbabwe and I kept quiet about the issue. I never told my wife about the issue. I infected her but I regret. I later on received some counseling and it went well,” he explained

During my peak of popularity I had sex with approximately 80 women, within Harare and Zambia. In 2002 it was so amazing to be on TV. I abused the fame. 

To make matters worse I lacked counseling and I failed to handle it properly, leaving me in this mud. I am now a born again Christian with UFIC under the guidance of Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.” he said.

In a recent interview the actor revealed that he left Nigeria for Ghana in order to be close to God.

Latest political prostitutes in town - Etcetera comes for entertainers in new article

Singer turned columnist Etcetera comes for all the entertainers who have lend their voices and support to politicians in Nigeria. Read the article below...
Some say Afro Candy is a prostitute. Some say she’s not or at least, not yet. A few others say she’s a porn star, which is not in the same league as prostitution. 
Porn stars are taxed, prostitutes are not. So Afrolicious baybay, you have to up your game to get into the league of prostitutes, if it is what you really desire. 
My suggestion would be; instruct your agent or booker to get you appearances in any of the political campaign videos, so you can put to use that floppy behind your mama gave you. And if you are lucky enough, you can get cameos and wiggle that thing around the aspirants themselves. 
You have to get your bum (sorry your hands) bloodied to earn the highly coveted “Political prostitute” tag. Now my Candilicious Afrolistic baybay, these are a few names of the latest political prostitutes in the country: Olamide, Banky W, Don Jazzy, Flavour, Duncan Mighty, D banj, Mercy Johnson, Ibinabo, Ini Edo, Mama Gee, Naeto C, Joseph Yobo, Daddy Showkey, Kanu Nwankwo, and Sammie Okposo.
I have been asked several times if our celebs should get involved with politics. But today, let me push the same question in different words to everyone reading this article. Do politicians making affiliations with celebs prompt you to vote for them? For me, it’s a definite No.
 Nigerians are not influenced by celebs to indulge in certain acts because their favourite celeb says so.
 For instance, I like Kate Henshaw but expecting me to vote for a candidate she supports in the forthcoming elections is like asking me to start buying a particular milk brand because Don Jazzy endorsed it. Puh-leez, things like that don’t cut it here in Naija. Naija is a different kettle of fish compared to what is obtainable in places like the US.

The politicians using celebs for their campaigns should ask themselves what on earth the average person has got in common with Dbanj. He has millions and he may never have to lift a finger again in his life if he so desires.
 And you think the boys in Okokomaiko who are not smiling will listen to his unrealistic rants on TV and radio? Using a celeb for election campaigns is as stupid as the political aspirants themselves dancing in their campaign musical videos.
 Imagine Jimmy Agbaje and Ambode dancing in their campaign videos? Ok, I am sorry, no imagination is needed. I feel sorry for the politicians that Nigerians are not fooled by all the media images of celebs pushed at them every day on TV. 
It has become so much that we can’t tell the difference anymore between political campaign videos and the Nigerian musical videos.

The only cocktail of politics and celebrity that the masses are bound to endorse is that of creating useful awareness that will benefit the larger society.
 People like Bono have political views which bring attention to real, humanitarian issues that transcend the established political doctrines and have nothing to do with producing those plastic karaoke like political jingles our entertainers are paid to produce. 
Those entertainers who see nothing wrong in frolicking with politicians will say I am speaking from a misguided perspective. Go ahead, defend your support for that politician. 
Tell me you are campaigning for change. You can’t fool anyone but yourselves.

Hey, my Afro Candilicious baybay, you go ahead with your trade okay? Don’t let the criticisms of your fellow entertainers bother you anymore. 
Tell them your porn is definitely a kinder and gentler version when placed side by side with their political prostitution. Now, good day ladies and gentlemen. Please don’t forget to tip the waitress on your way out.

FAB-5 Football Initiative powered by Indomie Noodles rewards pupils

The Fab-5 Football initiative primarily targeted at public primary schools and designed to promote Education using Football as a tool at the grassroot rewards 3 new pupils to its growing Scholarship & Mentoring programme scheme. The Fab-5 Football Initiative is in 3 tiers. The 5 aside Football Competition, Scholarship/Mentoring programme and the Soccer school

The Initiative powered by Indomie Noodles is contributing its selfless quota to the development of the Nigerian child and has been consistent in its activities.

The 1st tier which is the 5 aside Football Competition commenced on the 28th & 30th JAN at the Agege and campos mini stadium. It climaxed with a carnival like event on the 5th of FEB at the Campos mini stadium. Opebi primary school triumphed over favorites Ebutte Metta Primary school. 

The Fab-5 Football Initiative is brought to you by Pet-Bamok & Company in conjunction with Sportvision and supported by Supersport Let’s Play.

Covenant University To Reduce Tuition Soon

The Vice-Chancellor, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Prof. Charles Ayo, has hinted that the school may likely reduce its tuition fees in a bid to accommodate more students who will want to benefit from the quality education it offers. covenant-university.jpg

Addressing a news conference on Friday over the school’s recent Webometrics ranking as the first in Nigeria and West Africa and the 15th in Africa, he said even though there is no actual date for the likely review yet, the initiative would make admission into the school more affordable and competitive.

He explained that apart from the fact the Chancellor of the school, Dr. David Oyedepo, had already thought about it, the school management also had plans to increase its internally generated revenue so as to augment its income, which would make the review easy.

He said, “Going by the thinking of the proprietor and chancellor, the commission is thinking of reducing the fees with a view to allowing more people to be able to benefit from the quality education that we have here, but it’s going to be highly competitive.

This may affect us because we would need to work more on our IGR, but we are up to the task. The beauty of it all is to be able to leave it open to all, however, we are mindful of our carrying capacity, which will only engender stiff competition before anybody would be able to get admission.

“By the next academic session, the university will be going into production of certain items and looking at our projection on the adventure, we are going to be raking in billions, which will supplement our income and with that, we can be sure that the fees would be reducing gradually, which also shows that education venture is not necessarily about profit-making but about service to humanity.”

The vice-chancellor explained that with the recently released Webometrics Ranking of February 10, 2015, “Covenant University is now the first among all the universities in Nigeria and West Africa and the 15th in Africa.

“Last year, we were the second in Nigeria and 25th in Africa, but now we have improved greatly, and this is because we came in with a view to introducing a change, which was a clear departure from what others do, therefore, this feat and many others do not really come as a surprise to us.”
Webometrics Ranking is the ranking of about 2,500 institutions in the world based on their web presence, impact, presence, openness and excellence.

It will be recalled that Redeemers University, which is owned by the Redeemed Christian Church Of God led by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, is in the news for a disciplinary measure which is widely considered excessive in the manner it allegedly punished 22 of the students.
According to an unconfirmed report, the 22 students were said to have not attended church services

Presidency uncovers PDP Governors who are working for APC

Trust nobody is the name of the game. With the storm over the shift of polls yet to settle, the Presidency has run into a fix over what to do with Four of its governors who are said to be secretly working for the success of the leading opposition, the APC, in the coming Presidential Elections.

The Presidency became convinced that the Four Governors were not sincerely working for President Goodluck Jonathan and the PDP after reviewing their activities in relations to the presidential campaigns in their respective states.

A secret investigation carried out by security agents and placed at the disposal of the Presidency has clearly indicated that PDP would lose election in the affected states because of the activities of the governors...

A competent source told Vanguard in Abuja that both Jonathan and his party were upset that the governors were hiding under the party to work for the APC, thereby making it difficult for them to be promptly dealt with in line with the constitution of the party.

The source said that although the action of the Four Governors drawn from the North West and North East of the country had been discussed extensively by the Presidency and the PDP, the party and the president were in a fix on what to do with ‘traitors’ because of the impending elections.

The President is said to be particularly irked by the action of one of the PDP governors from the North East, who did not only give the sum of N25million in support of the opposition candidate campaign but also directed his officials to give maximum logistics support to the Buhari Campaign team during their campaign in the state on February 3 this year.

The same governor, it was learnt, showed what a presidency source described as a ‘lukewarm disposition’ to the Jonathan’s Campaign team by not mobilising enough support for the presidential rally in his state and arriving late to the venue of the campaign.

The governor is said to have unwittingly exposed disloyalty to the President and his party by coming to the venue of the rally six minutes before the arrival of the presidential team, thereby leaving several things undone and ending up embarrassing Jonathan and PDP when they went to campaign in the state.

The governor is reported to have delayed the inauguration of the Presidential Campaign Team in the state until the eve of the presidential visit thereby making the team headed by a former Senator from the state, to hit the rocks in his effort to ensure a successful rally in the agricultural state. As a result of the sympathy of a North East governor for the APC, he is said to have displayed a lackadaisical attitude towards the visit of Jonathan to his state last month.

During the visit, the president was said to have been miffed by the near empty stadium that he noticed upon his arrival for the campaign in the state that is close to a desert.

The Presidency, Saturday Vanguard also learnt, was also hurt that none of the governors had shown remorse over their ‘betrayal’ by not speaking out against some of the wrongs openly committed by their agents against the presidential campaign teams in their respective states.

It was gathered that the Presidency was seriously disappointed that none of the affected governors had openly condemned the stoning of its presidential campaign train in their states while some of them turned round to blame some senior officers of the Presidency for the attacks.

The APC, which is aware of the tacit support of the governors, almost went to make a formal announcement that they were set to defect but they were said to have persuaded the party not to do so, promising instead to quietly work and deliver their states to the opposition because of Buhari’s factor.

Asked what the Presidency would be doing to sanction the Four Governors, the source hinted that the there was confusion in Aso Rock on what to do to them given the need for Jonathan to put his house in order and pursue the elections as a united party.

The source said that it would be counter-productive for the Presidency and the PDP to take any disciplinary action against the governors at this stage since the elections were already around the corner.

In fact, the PDP is now looking for ways to pressurize Prof Attahiru Jega of INEC to jettison the use of the Card Readers and Permanent Voter Cards, PVCs, which could checkmate rigging.

Tenant Kills Landlord Over Rent

For ‘disturbing’ him incessantly over house rent, a man has done the unthinkable to his landlord.

The Agbor community in Delta state has being thrown into uproar after a tenant from Ebonyi state murdered his landlord in cold blood. According to reports, a 41-year-old man is in the police net for murdering his landlord because the landlord was asking for his rent from him incessantly.

The suspect, who has since confessed to the police that he committed the crime, said that it was his uncontrolled anger that pushed him to it. He said the landlord had threatened to kill him if he refused to pay up and in the ensuing fight he picked a hammer and hit his landlord, who died on the spot.

The suspect had owed his landlord seven months rent and paid for two months, promising to pay the remaining months but never did, a situation that stirred the anger of his landlord at the weekend, resulting in the tragic fight.
It will be recalled that just recently in the Ejigbo area of Lagos

Russia still deploying heavy arms in Ukraine -US

The United States charged Friday that Russia was continuing to deploy heavy weapons in eastern Ukraine, before a ceasefire agreed this week goes into effect.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States had received reports of heavy weapons being moved into eastern Ukraine from Russia over the past few days, and more apparently on the way.

“This is clearly not in the spirit of this week’s agreement,” Psaki told reporters.

She said the Russian military had deployed large amounts of artillery and multiple rocket launcher systems and was using it to shell Ukrainian positions.

“We are confident that these are Russian military, not separatist systems,” she said, adding that Russian troops along the border were preparing a large shipment of supplies to pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine.

At least 27 civilians and soldiers were reported to have been killed in the surge of fighting since the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany agreed Thursday on a ceasefire that is to go into effect on Sunday.

The fragile agreement was seen as the best hope of ending the conflict, which has killed at least 5,480 people and ratcheted East-West tensions to highs not seen since the Cold War, but skepticism remains high after the collapse of a similar previous peace plan.

“All parties must show complete restraint in the run up to the Sunday cease-fire, including an immediate halt to the Russian and separatist assault on the Debaltseve and other Ukrainian towns,” Psaki said.

Stealing same as corruption – Lawyers caution Jonathan

 jonathan birthday
  Some lawyers have cautioned President Goodluck Jonathan to stop differentiating between the acts of stealing and corruption.

 The President had during the 8th presidential media chat on Wednesday maintained that there was a difference between the two acts. 
 This came several months after he first made a similar statement. 

“If somebody is a thief, he is a thief. We should not use the word ‘corruption’ to cover a case of stealing. Thieves should be called thieves,” the President had said. However, a lawyer and human rights activist, Prof. Itse Sagay, said in a telephone conversation with Saturday PUNCH that there was no technical difference between the two acts and that persons involved in either should be made to face the wrath of the law. He said, “In a broad legal sense, they are the same. 

Stealing is taking what belongs to another person without the consent of the owner with the intention of keeping it permanently. “Corruption is using an office to acquire the resources of an organisation without working for it and without the organisation’s awareness. 

Looking at it, using an office as a political office holder to acquire what belongs to the state results to stealing. “Ultimately, every act of corruption is an act of stealing. There is no question about it. There is no moral or ethical difference between them. Both are criminal, immoral and anti-social acts and nobody should attempt to make one look lighter than the other. 

People who commit either should be dealt with seriously.” Don't waste money! Check best PRICES of phones, computers & electronics on A civil rights lawyer, Fred Agbaje, said President Jonathan’s differentiation between the acts was clear evidence that the President’s government is corrupt.

 He said that the President was only giving two terms for same offence. He said, “Defence of stealing as different from corruption is indicative of the fact that President Jonathan’s administration is morally bankrupt. “What the President has said is an admission of guilt and that his government is corrupt. It is a distinction without substance. 

It is calling one object two different names. The nomenclature may differ, but the substance of both allegations is the same. “Which of them is allowed in our law whether he calls them in different names? They are both punishable under our penal laws. Stealing is even worse than corruption. Both of them carry a legal element of deliberately taking what does not belong to someone with the intent of depriving the taxpayers.”

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