Friday 27 March 2015

Singer Brymo welcomes son with girlfriend

He announced the happy news on Twitter. Congrats to him and his girlfriend...

MKO Abiola's daughter, Hafsat Abiola, has Endorsed Buhari

Hafsat Abiola, daughter of M.K.O Abiola has endorsed the APC presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari. In an article written by Hafsat, she stated categorically that: “I endorse General Muhammadu Buhari fully and without reservation.” Below is the full text of Hafsat Abiola's piece:

“Dear Nigerians,
Saturday is D-Day. It is a moment of joy that Nigeria has again been given an opportunity to stand on its feet. In this, I see clear evidence of God’s love for us. But we must now do our part. Let money not blind us to the task that is ours to do for the wealth that can be ours is far greater than any that our friends might offer us to induce our support for their candidate.

Over the last few days I have had the opportunity to meet with the foreign minister of the Netherlands and later to speak to members of his staff. They sought my opinion on the rape of girls and women by Boko Haram. Is rape being used as a weapon of war as is the situation in Congo?, they wondered. 
What can be done to address this problem?, they asked. Perhaps it was wrong of me but I had already moved ahead of the particular challenges of abductions, poor education and healthcare, corruption, and other symptoms of failure in our society. I was already in the future where our country was being governed by a leader I could trust. A leader who spoke with a simple sincerity and integrity and had the will to match his words with actions. I looked at them and told them that Nigeria will soon be able to address its challenges because our actions in the coming days would place us under a leadership capable of tackling our problems from their roots, once and for all.
I trust in you, the people of Nigeria, because my father trusted you. I trust that in spite of all the money that has been given to some of our leaders over the last few weeks, in spite of all the lies some have been peddling, that you understand what is at stake for Nigeria. It is no less than the fate of 170 million people. Only sincere and effective leadership can secure our country and secure for us a tomorrow worthy of the sacrifices of our heroes, worthy of our ambitions for our children. 
I know that things are rough. I know that the incomes in most households cannot meet the burden of your needs and that some of you are sorely tempted to just take care of yourself and your nuclear family. But even if you individually are connected and can access the spoils being divided through the bankrupt system that has been used by Nigeria’s government, can that be said for all those you care about? Can that be said for the majority of Nigerians? By now we should understand that we will do best individually when we look out for everyone collectively.
In reaction to this letter, some will tell you that I am only being partisan but let me ask you if, since 1999, I have ever publicly endorsed a candidate? The truth is that my parents sacrificed everything, including their lives that Nigeria may work. It is not working and cannot so long as some hold the whole country to ransom
What our president must do is to transform a system, not simply replace the few benefiting from it with a different group of chosen few. A true transformation may mean that the few will not be as rich but the majority will no longer be poor. So let us take a stand so that Nigeria is no longer for sale. No one can buy what we will not sell at the market. When we refuse to sell our country to the highest bidder, we will also be protecting our legitimate aspirations to live in dignity, security and prosperity.
Today the world celebrates Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore for moving a small island country in Asia from third world to first. But imagine if the people of Singapore had never given him a chance to lead them. Would the world even know that the country existed today, talk less of recognising it as one of the world’s success stories? That is the task before you on Saturday. Everything depends on you.

One last message for President Jonathan. Thank you for your efforts to lead Nigeria. Should the results of the elections not favour you, please be aware that a smooth handover would still secure you a place among the giants of Nigeria. The curses that surround those that stood in the way of the peoples’ mandate on June 12 will never be yours should you lose and yet demonstrate the exemplary leadership that others failed to show then. Do not doubt that your name can yet be written in gold.
So in closing, to avoid any confusion, let me say clearly: in the 2015 presidential elections, I endorse General Muhammadu Buhari fully and without reservation. In 1993 my father promised Nigerians that if given the presidential mandate, our people would say farewell to poverty. We know that because the elections were annulled, he could not fulfil that promise. Sadly, that promise remains unfulfilled till today. It is my honest conviction based on a disinterested assessment that General Buhari is our best chance of seeing that promise fulfilled.

Thank you all for reading this.”

I Got A Revelation That Jonathan Will Be Re-Elected; Dr Thomas Manton IV

Dr Thomas Manton IV’s Prophecy For Nigeria, For Presidential Election 2015
The Lord spoke to me, and said to me that it is His will, for Mr. Goodluck Jonathan to be re-elected as the President of Nigeria!

I want to say it just like that. God said to me that it is His will that he be re-elected. And I’ll now tell you ‘why He told me this.

The Lord said to me:

“I want Christianity in your Palaces, and I want it in your State Houses! I want Christianity to be most prevalent now amongst the governors, senators, ministers and ministries. I want Christianity to be at the fore-front in your business-worlds. If you give all of these over to another religion, then you are not just dealing with the man anymore, but now the spirit of the other thing! If you give ‘place’ to the spirit that’s ‘resident’ in the person, because of their philosophies, doctrines and religions; then you are then in-fact, escalating the ‘residency’ of those other forces and entities to then spread over the entire nation. And you must know now that I do not want this, says the Lord!”

People often complain about things in Nigeria, like people often do in so many other countries too. People can say: “Well, you know things have been hard, and some things were not done correctly.” But do you know what? God is going to give the President, and the people, a chance to reckon things out now, and still yet fix things.
The Holy Spirit will now come in and institute many great new things in Nigeria! God told me some time back, for Nigeria, that He is going to infiltrate people’s minds and hearts now very much more, with ‘The Big Picture’ for Nigeria! And it certainly needs to happen now! For when sin and corruption is lifted up over a nation, it is a reproach for all the people in one way or another. Sinning means ‘missing the mark’. But Jesus Christ is Lord in Nigeria, regardless!

Photos: Woman beats teacher in front of her students for sleeping with her husband

A woman savagely beat a teacher in front of her students after claiming that the teacher was having an affair with her husband. But instead of the students and other members of staff to stop the fight, they stood aside, watched the fight, filmed it and uploaded the clip on Youtube. Dang!!

35 year old Laelia Paredes Flores, stormed into the classroom in Huimanguillo in south-east Mexico, and attacked 32 year old Marcella Villalpando Tovar. Tovar was kicked, punched in her face and stomach and jumped on. And her students didn't do anything to stop it. In fact, another woman can be heard off camera encouraging the beat down. Wow! See the video after the cut...

Student Miriam Gracia Adomo, 16, said:
"The woman charged in and began shouting and screaming before punching our teacher to the floor.That’s when I ran to get help. But when other teachers came they just stood around watching. It was really terrible, terrible."
After the act was widely condemned, a school spokesperson released a statement saying;
“The woman claimed that our teacher was having an affair with the husband of one of the student’s dads and the mother took exception. We are appalled that this attack happened in our school and that nothing was done to stop it, and we shall be carrying out a full investigation.”

Photo: Timaya shows off his massive home

He shared the photo on instagram and wrote "Your story can be the key that can unlock someone else's prison. Keep moving, keep hoping, keep trying and trust me u will get there...Grateful"

Gridlock as residents arrive in Ilorin for elections

There was heavy vehicular movement around the Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State, on Thursday evening as residents, who registered in the state, arrived from across the country to cast their votes.

Our correspondent, who toured the Garri Alimi, ‎Oja Oba, Alore and Sobi areas of the the state capital, noticed large number of people who had travelled from other parts of the country to the state capital.
The returnees said they had come from the south-western and northern parts of the country to ‎exercise their vote for their candidates at home.
Some of them, who spoke with our correspondents, gave reasons why they decided to travel home for the polls despite the inconveniences.
Lateef Adebayo said he regretted not participating in the 2011 general elections, adding that he came home this time to vote for his choice of candidates to avoid blaming himself later.
He said, “I did not vote in the last elections and I believe there are thousands of Nigerians, who have such non-challant attitude like me. Recently, it occurred to me that why do I blame bad governments when I did not vote. May be, they would not have been voted into power if I and others like me had come to vote.
“In fact, I came home last month too to collect‎ my PVC.”
Yusufu Idris, a tailor in Ondo State, said‎ he was convinced to some extent that his vote would count going by the arrangements put in place by the Independence National Electoral Commission.
He said, “I have a feeling that with the use of PVC and card reader, rigging will be very difficult. That is what pushed me to leave my work and travel all the way from Akure with my wife to vote because we registered here in 2011. I believe my vote will count this time around.”
Forty-three-year-old Amudalat Adeshina said‎ she and her husband hailed from Ilorin but live in Minna, Niger State.
She added they usually come home every two months to visit their son and daughter, who school in the University of Ilorin.
Mr. Gbadeyan Joseph, a resident of Sango, said the zeal with which his friends in Abuja disc‎ussed elections, prompted him to come home in February to collect his PVC.
“‎I work as a mechanical engineer with a company in Abuja. I have been living there for two years now. Most of my friends said they would rather go home to vote and mobilise others to do so rather than transfer their registration to Abuja. I think Nigerians are becoming wiser by the day and more people are willing to vote their conscience irrespective of monetary inducement from politicians,” he said.
A commercial driver, Abiodun ‎Jimoh, also shared a similar view with Joseph’s colleagues, saying he had come to Ilorin from Alapa, in the Asa Local Government Area of Kwara State to mobilise his relatives to vote.

Don’t disappoint Jonathan, ex-NDDC boss tells Ndigbo

With just one day to the Presidential election, a former Chairman of the Niger Delta Development Commission, Chief Onyema Ugochukwu, has urged voters, particularly of the Igbo extraction, not to disappoint President Goodluck Jonathan of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party.

The PDP chieftain in an interview with The PUNCH said Jonathan remained “the best option” for Ndigbo, considering the numerous gestures of his administration to the race.

He said he did not expect Ndigbo who had remained the main support-base of the President to fail him at the poll, arguing that ” it is better to work with the devil you know than the angel you do not know.”

Ugochukwu, however, expressed faith that Jonathan would sweep the poll considering his laudable achievements in key sectors of the economy.

The 2007 Abia State PDP governorship candidate also appealed to Abia electorates to help deliver all PDP candidates in the state, saying Abia had fared better under the party and “cannot afford to be in the opposition.”

Predicting a peaceful poll, the ex-NDDC boss begged the opposition not to resort to violence in the eventuality of defeat contending that, “it is inevitable that PDP will win.”

He admitted that the use of card readers in the election would significantly check rigging, if properly managed, but expressed fears that as a new technology, experimenting it with crucial elections as the Presidential and National Assembly polls could be risky.

He debunked insinuations that he was promised the Senatorial ticket of Umuahia Central zone as compensation for his reconciliation with Gov. Theodore Orji in 2011, saying that he never struck any deal with the Governor.

The former Editor of Daily Times said he never felt shortchanged at the emergence of Gov. Orji as the PDP candidate for the zone, and declared his full support for his candidature which, he noted, was according to the people’s wish.

He, however, said he had not retired from active politics but vowed never to contest for any elective position again.
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